Staff Focus

A world-class educational system fully leverages the talent, energy and creativity of highly engaged staff. Staff engagement is a prerequisite to student engagement so we foster a culture that brings out the best in our employees.
Staff Focus: Allison Whitney, Community and Workforce Engagement Specialist
Allison Whitney, HCPSS’ Community and Workforce Engagement Specialist, leads the district’s staff well-being and recognition efforts. She also plays a large role in community engagement around major school system efforts, helping to support engagement opportunities and coordinating the work of various advisory committees.
Staff Focus: Diane Curry, English Teacher and JumpStart Lead Teacher, River Hill High School
Diane Curry has spent much of her career promoting literacy, most recently as an English teacher and lead JumpStart teacher at River Hill High School.
Staff Focus: Sarah Mayhew, ESOL Teacher, Well-Being Representative, Oakland Mills Middle School
ESOL Teacher Sarah Mayhew supports 38 English language learners at Oakland Mills Middle School, where she also helps staff to improve their well-being.
Staff Focus: David Floyd, 4th Grade Teacher, Bellows Spring Elementary School
David Floyd, a fourth grade teacher at Bellows Spring Elementary School, integrates technology to enhance students’ educational experience.
Staff Focus: Clara Hendrick, Alternative Education Paraeducator, Laurel Woods Elementary School
Laurel Woods Elementary School Alternative Education Paraeducator Clara Hendrick works closely with a handful of students who have behavioral challenges, and she helps teachers with developing the most effective strategies to reach them.
Staff Focus: Donald Felch, CMSgt, USAF (Ret), JROTC Aerospace Science Instructor, Oakland Mills High School
Chief Master Sergeant Donald Felch combines his love for developing young leaders with his military background and civilian education in his role as a JROTC aerospace science instructor at Oakland Mills High School.
Staff Focus: David Klotz, Advanced Physical Science Teacher, Howard High School
Howard High School’s David Klotz has helped to launch the Advanced Physical Science course countywide and to revamp Howard’s School Improvement efforts.
Staff Focus: Kenny Porritt, Reach Academy Program Co-Lead and Special Educator, Long Reach High School
Kenny Porritt serves as the special educator and co-lead of Long Reach High School’s 9th grade Reach Academy, a restorative justice program designed to support and accelerate student achievement through the first year of high school.
Staff Focus: Ella Bradley, Human Capital Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Manager
The former teacher and later assistant principal is now making her mark in HCPSS Human Resources. She has been instrumental in HCPSS’ efforts to diversify its workforce, and works hard to help educators take the next step in their professional journey.
Staff Focus: Keith Artley, Instructor, HVAC Academy
After a successful HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) career, Keith Artley found himself back in school. As the first classroom instructor for HCPSS’ new HVAC Academy through Career and Technology Education, Artley enjoys introducing the trade to the next generation of young industry leaders. Read more about Mr. Artley in this HCPSS Sgt