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Pointers Run ES Celebrates Art Extravaganza Day

May 8th, 2024

Two PRES students working on art projects.

Art Extravaganza Day at Pointers Run Elementary School is one of the school’s art teacher Lisa Huriaux’s favorite days of the school year.

“It’s a day that is all about the arts,” she says. “We take a break from academic subjects and focus on art and music and having fun.”

Lisa Huriaux works with two PRES students on art projects.

This year’s Art Extravaganza Day—the first to be held since 2019—provided students in kindergarten through fifth grade the opportunity to participate in workshops developed and led by National Art Honor Society students at Centennial (CHS) and River Hill high schools (RHHS). Each workshop focused on a different design concept, artist, art movement, or medium and culminated in a finished product that PRES students could take home with them.

“It was really interesting seeing how all the [PRES] kids made their art unique to them, and how they wanted to spin the craft to make it their own,” says RHHS student Kirie, who spent the day working with first-grade students.

Two PRES students doing an art project outside on the concrete.

“I really loved talking to the kids and getting to know them,” adds Clara, a RHHS student who taught origami to third-grade students that day. “They were so fun to work with, and they were incredibly creative.”

This year’s Art Extravaganza Day also included two performances by members of the CHS orchestra, led by CHS music teacher Matthew Boggs.

Two male PRES students hold up art projects.

From PRES’ students perspective, Art Extravaganza Day was a great experience.

“It’s a day filled with many great artists,” says one fifth grader; while another comments that “all the high schoolers were very nice” to work with. Still another remarks that “Art Extravaganza Day spells ‘fun.’”

Organizing Art Extravaganza Day is no small feat and takes months to plan, but Huriaux says the effort is always worthwhile.

A male PRES student holds up artwork.

“Our students typically [participate in art class] one hour [each week]. Art Extravaganza Day allows them to do art all day long and come home with a bag full of artwork to show off and feel proud of.”

The PRES administrative team of Principal Dr. Shawna Holden, Assistant Principal Dr. Mariah Carr and Leadership Intern Joshua Castelbaum also deemed Art Extravaganza Day a success.

“Mrs. Huriaux organized this fantastic event with a multitude of stakeholders, and the high school students planned fun and engaging activities for our students. Our students were encouraged to think creatively, use their imaginations, as well as to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. A great day was had by all.”