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HCPSS Student Transportation Update, Sept. 24, 2023

September 24th, 2023

This message provides several updates and reminders related to HCPSS student transportation.

Following modifications to school start times on Wednesday, Sept. 20, improvements to student transportation continued through the remainder of last week. GPS data confirmed that over 95% of buses dropped students off at school in the mornings on time, and more than 90% completed afternoon drop-offs on time. This data is from across all bus contractors and routes and confirms that the additional slack between school start time tiers has proved helpful. Thank you to the entire HCPSS community for your adaptability as we implemented these necessary adjustments.

Continuous Improvement

Several routes are being further adjusted to improve the on-time arrival of buses, including shifting bus routes and pickup/drop-off times. Additional adjustments will also be made for routes that have been arriving or dropping off too early. Schools will communicate those changes to impacted families as they are finalized.

Feedback from school administrators, families and drivers is helping us make further adjustments to ensure routes are efficient. Please continue to use the online feedback form to provide input. While you may not receive a response immediately, multiple staff members are reviewing the form every day and it is directly supporting our student transportation office’s work to review and refine bus routes.

Bus Delays

At this point, there are no suspended bus routes and there has been a significant reduction in the number of delays as a result of last week’s school start times adjustment. As a result, HCPSS will resume issuing text and email alerts when bus delays of more than 15 minutes occur, including for routes operated by Zum Services.

A reminder that 5- to 10-minute bus delays in the morning and afternoon are common throughout the school year due to traffic, weather, mechanical issues, or students requiring additional supports on the bus. We recognize that due to the significant delays experienced during the first three weeks of the school year, any level of delay is now more noticeable.

HCPSS appreciates the grace and understanding of students and families as staff and drivers navigate these challenges. Students who are late to school as a result of delays in transportation will not be penalized. Parents/guardians should contact their child’s school if their child is accidentally marked absent or tardy due to a bus delay.