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Board Considers Two 2020-2021 School Calendar Proposals

September 20th, 2019

The Howard County Board of Education is considering two options for the 2020-2021 academic calendar. Both options, which were presented at the September 19, 2019 Board meeting, reflect recommendations by the Academic Calendar Planning Committee and additional recommendations from Superintendent Michael J. Martirano.

The two proposals are very similar in most respects; the most significant difference regards school start and end dates. Calendar option #1 starts school for students on August 25, 2020 with the last official school day on June 10, 2021. Calendar option #2 provides for a student start date of August 31, 2020, and a final day of school on June 15, 2021. Both options provide for a full spring break week in April and include six inclement weather make up days at the end of the school year.

Both proposals reflect several mandates embedded in Maryland law and/or the HCEA negotiated agreement including:

A public hearing on the proposed 2020-2021 academic calendar is scheduled for October 17, 2019. The Board is scheduled to take action on November 7, 2019.

Full details can be found on the Board’s BoardDocs website.