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Boundary Review Updates: Community Input Sessions Begin

July 12th, 2019

Community Input Sessions

The first of four community input sessions took place this week at Oakland Mills High School where approximately 250 community members attended. The session allowed community members to review the options outlined in the 2019 Feasibility Study and collaborate on solutions with other members of the community in small group sessions.

Each group included a notetaker who captured the conversations and feedback provided by the group. This feedback will be shared with the Superintendent and help inform his recommendation to the Board of Education on August 20. Input submitted online or through paper surveys, and by the Attendance Area Committee will also help to inform the Superintendent.

Additional community input sessions will be held on:

Families are encouraged to attend only one session as the content of each session will be similar, and we want to ensure that there is equity of voice at each. Please RSVP online. Members of the community who are unable to attend the event planned for your region, may attend any of the other sessions. Those who cannot attend may view the presentation being given online.

Attendance Area Committee Completes Their Work

The Attendance Area Committee (AAC) completed their work on Tuesday, July 9 to review the options presented in the 2019 Feasibility Study for the Superintendent’s consideration.

The AAC did not develop any additional plans but recommended the priorities that the Superintendent should consider when developing his recommendation to the Board.

Meeting minutes and presentations can be found online.

Boundary Review Online Resources

The HCPSS Boundary Review page is updated daily with information and resources related to the boundary review process. Please visit the site to find community input opportunities, resources that provide an understanding of the process, and information and documents associated with the work of the AAC.