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HCPSS Connect Updates, Sept. 28

September 28th, 2015

HCPSS Connect (Synergy) was recently launched and provides parents with access to the Synergy Student Information System – which replaces Aspen.

Synergy Updates

Student assignment grades are now appearing in Synergy and both students and parents have access. Once a grade is entered into the Canvas Learning System by a teacher, it will be available in Synergy within 6-8 hours. We are working with our vendor to reduce this synchronization time even further. Parents and students can see grades for class assignments, homework, and quizzes, as well as the weighted aggregate score in Synergy. Aggregate scores (grades) are based on the weights determined by the teacher.

Canvas Updates

Teachers and students are using the Canvas Learning System. Central Office and school based Points of Contacts (POCs) are providing support resources and additional training. It is our plan for parents to gain access to Canvas later this fall.

As we transition to these digital platforms, we are continuing to address any concerns that arise. In the coming weeks, look for additional updates to be posted at HCPSS Connect.