Bus Cancellations Aug. 29-Sept. 1, 2023
August 29th, 2023
HCPSS transportation staff has been working with contractors and school system staff to address the transportation delays experienced today. One of the HCPSS bus contractors, Zum Transportation, has informed us that they will not be able to cover 20 routes due to driver callouts for the remainder of this week. While the contractor currently has drivers in the training pipeline and is working to address the vacancies, they are asking families who are served by the following routes to make alternative arrangements for your students to get to and from school for the remainder of the week.
We know that this creates challenges for families as you adjust to the start of the school year. Please know that HCPSS is engaging with all of our contractors to address these route challenges as quickly as possible, and we will continue to provide regular communications with information as soon as it becomes available to us.
The routes that Zum will not be able to cover for August 29 – September 1 are:
- 1020 – Mt Hebron HS, Patapsco MS, St John’s Lane ES
- 1023 – Centennial HS, Centennial Lane ES, St John’s Lane ES
- 1053 – Dunloggin MS, Burleigh Manor MS, Northfield ES
- 1070 – Hammond HS, Hammond MS, Guilford ES
- 1078 – Clarksville MS, Pointers Run ES
- 1089 – Hammond HS, Bollman Bridge ES, Gorman Crossing ES
- 1090 – Hammond HS, Bollman Bridge ES, Gorman Crossing ES
- 1122 – Patuxent Valley MS, Murray Hill MS
- 1144 – Atholton HS, Swansfield ES, Waterloo ES
- 1148 – Atholton HS, Cradlerock ES
- 1154 – Wilde Lake HS, Wilde Lake MS, Running Brook ES
- 1155 – Oakland Mills HS, Phelps Luck ES, Thunder Hill ES
- 1161 – Atholton HS, Thunder Hill ES
- 1163 – Wilde Lake HS, Wilde Lake MS
- 1165 – Atholton HS, Wilde Lake MS
- 1168 – Atholton HS, Mayfield Woods MS, Bellows Spring ES
- 1173 – Wilde Lake HS, Bryant Woods ES, Running Brook ES
- 1176 – Atholton HS, Talbot Springs ES, Waterloo ES
- 1191 – Long Reach HS, Lake Elkhorn MS, Atholton ES
- 1201 – Long Reach HS, Phelps Luck ES, Atholton ES