Looking to the Future: HCPSS Renews 15-Year Partnership with Howard County Conservancy
November 27th, 2018
For more than 15 years, the Howard County Conservancy and Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) have worked closely together to give students hands-on experiences to learn about the wonders of the natural world, land preservation, and responsible environmental stewardship. HCPSS and the Conservancy recently renewed its long-standing partnership during a Pointers Run Elementary School field trip to Conservancy grounds.
“The strong partnership between the school system and Conservancy provides hands-on experiences to complement student’s classroom learning,” said HCPSS Superintendent Michael J. Martirano. “I’m grateful to the Conservancy for its support of our students’ work, which has had a positive impact throughout our county and beyond, and look forward to our continued collaboration in providing these valuable learning experiences.”
During the field trip, Pointers Run Elementary school students met a screech owl, conducted a soil test, and hiked the grounds to identify changes in landscape and habitat. Over the years, Conservancy staff have worked with HCPSS science coordinators to align their programs and field trips with school system curricular objectives, Maryland Science Standards and environmental literacy standards. On-site field trips and school-based programs give elementary, middle and high school students the opportunity to learn about the local watershed, soil science, monarch butterfly migration, Maryland reptile and amphibian habitats, the importance of biodiversity and much more.
“We are so pleased to renew our county-wide partnership with HCPSS. Our curriculum based programs get more than 18,000 students outside for science learning each year,” said Meg Boyd, Executive Director, Howard County Conservancy. “Hands-on exploration of soil, streams, trees, rocks and bugs is the best way to learn about nature and develop future environmental stewards.”