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Press Releases

HCPSS Names 2020 Principal and Teachers of the Year

Nancy Thompson of Talbott Springs Elementary School was named 2020 Howard County Principal of the Year and a Washington Post Principal of the Year nominee. Jerome Pickens of Bryant Woods Elementary School was named Howard County’s 2020 Maryland Teacher of the Year candidate, and Suzan Young of Homewood Center was selected as a 2020 Washington Post Teacher of the Year nominee.

Changes to 2019–2020 School Calendar Announced

The Howard County Board of Education approved changes to the 2019–2020 academic year calendar during its April 21, 2020 meeting. HCPSS is now scheduled to be open on both Tuesday, April 28 and Tuesday, June 2, 2020.

HCPSS Budget Savings Cover Continuity of Learning Costs While Reducing Health Fund Deficit

The Howard County Board of Education has approved a year-end categorical budget transfer of $3.25 million. $1.8 million of these funds will be combined with a budget savings of $4.5 million, allowing the school system to manage the unplanned technology costs for continuity of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

HCPSS Seeks Citizen Members for Ethics Panel, Apply by May 8, 2020

The Howard County Board of Education is seeking citizens to serve on the Howard County Public School System’s Ethics Panel. The deadline for submission is May 8, 2020.

Bright Minds Foundation Launches Access to Learning Fund

Bright Minds Foundation, the educational foundation of the Howard County Public School System, and HCPSS have launched an emergency Access to Learning Fund to raise money for critical education access supports for HCPSS students during the extended coronavirus school closure.

HCPSS Cancels All Out-of-State Field Trips, In-State Field Trips Being Reassessed

Howard County Public School System Superintendent Dr. Michael Martirano on March 10, 2020 announced that all out-of-state field trips and athletic events, including those to Washington, D.C., are canceled effective immediately due to concerns related to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

Howard County 2019 Graduation Rates Outpace State Norm

raduation data released today by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) show Howard County public school students continuing to graduate at higher rates than their peers across Maryland, and improved slightly over rates from the previous year. The 92.78% graduation rate for the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) Class of 2019 is up nearly 1 percentage point over the 91.95% rate in 2018 and is nearly 6 percentage points above the 86.86% state average.

Para to Teacher Pathway Program Opens Equitable Career Path for HCPSS Paraeducators

HCPSS has partnered with Bowie State University and the Howard County Education Association to offer the Para to Teacher Pathway program, designed to address the growing shortage of qualified teacher candidates while supporting HCPSS goals for diversifying its workforce. Supported by a $750,000 grant from the Maryland State Department of Education under the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, the program will support up to 32 paraeducators over the next three years in obtaining teaching credentials.

Board of Education Adopts Requested FY 2021 Operating and Capital Budget, and FY 2022–26 Capital Improvement Program

The Howard County Board of Education on February 13, 2020, adopted its Operating and Capital Budget Requests for the 2020–2021 school year (Fiscal Year 2021), and Capital Improvement Program for FY 2022–26. The budget requests will be submitted to the Howard County Executive in early March.

Residences at Vantage Point Partnership Fosters Intergenerational Learning

Running Brook Elementary School has partnered with Residences at Vantage Point to create social connections, build a strong sense of community, and learn from one another through intergenerational activities and programs.