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Superintendent Statement on Controversial Issues and Student Rights

September 25th, 2024

The following message was issued by HCPSS Superintendent Bill Barnes on Sept. 25, 2024, and shared with HCPSS staff, students, families and community members.

As I begin my term as Superintendent, I am grateful for the continued collaboration and advocacy of stakeholders on behalf of students. Most times, our collaborative efforts align seamlessly and have a profoundly positive impact. Other times, our good intentions miss the mark, and the impact can be substantial in ways we did not intend.

It is important to acknowledge and embrace that students have rights that do not cease when they enter our schools. One way students are permitted to express their viewpoints is through student-led protests and walkouts that are coordinated with school administration. School system staff are expected to work alongside students so they may exercise their rights without infringing on the rights of others or creating an environment that is disruptive to instruction. Unfortunately, at times in the past, the school system did not successfully implement all Board of Education policies during some student-led protests and walkouts. This misstep unintentionally curtailed the ability of students to express their viewpoints, and for this, I am sorry.

As the leader of this school system, it is important that I ensure corrections are implemented so past mistakes are not repeated. Since becoming Superintendent on July 1, 2024, and receiving a much better understanding from parents, community partners, and school system staff, the following actions have already been implemented:

When a student-led protest or walkout is planned to occur on school campus during the school day, it is important, and required by policy, that the event does “not interfere with the rights of others or a school’s ability to provide a safe and supportive environment,” and that students make “choices that affirm a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment,” and are “conducting themselves with integrity.” Additionally, the purpose and messaging associated with a walkout must not discriminate against any students or student groups or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. This language was adopted in policy to ensure that the rights and well-being of all students, including those who are not participating in the protest or walkout, and those who disagree with the viewpoints of those protesting or walking out, are maintained. It is essential that students work with their school administrators to plan a walkout. Unplanned walkouts are a disruption to the educational environment and can pose safety and security concerns, therefore they will continue to result in disciplinary actions as defined by the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct.

I appreciate the collaboration with students, staff, community leaders and stakeholders to help inform where our processes may not have been as thoughtful and implemented the way they should have been. It is my intent to remain connected with student leaders, school-based staff, and community stakeholders so collaborative understanding may be achieved as issues arise.

Conflict resolution is embedded throughout our school curriculum. So, too, is the exploration of issues that may cause disagreement among students and communities. In a controlled space, such as a classroom, our highly skilled and trained educators can facilitate conversations while helping students expand their understanding and engage in gracious and empathetic discussions. However, the often volatile world in which we reside, and the unfettered access our children have to information from across the globe, makes the efforts to keep them safe and their well-being intact more difficult each day.

I believe passionately that school systems play an important role as our students grapple with issues that divide our communities. I want our school system to strive to:

As Superintendent, I do not plan to take a side or offer an opinion on issues that are political in nature or intend to cause division among our students and communities. Instead, I will work to enhance a comprehensive learning system that emphasizes dialog and understanding and encourages us to reflect and understand the impact of our actions. My focus will be primarily on students—their understanding, well-being, and their rights.

Our students are being exposed to narratives surrounding conflicts around the world and our upcoming national elections. So, it is with great urgency and our students’ well-being in mind that we educate and inform them of their rights and responsibilities so they can freely express themselves within our policies and guidelines. It is critically important that we continue having open and respectful dialogue with each other. I am committed to ensuring all students and staff have a safe and welcoming environment and thank our families and community partners in advance for the continued collaboration.