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HCPSS Student Transportation Update, Sept. 29, 2023

September 29th, 2023

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The following is adapted from a message sent to HCPSS staff and families on Friday, Sept. 29, 2023:

On-Time Improvements

Since adjustments to school start times were implemented on Sept. 20, HCPSS has experienced significant improvements with buses arriving at each stop and destination on time. Prior to the recent adjustment to school start times, between 130-200 buses were delayed more than 15 minutes during their morning and/or afternoon routes each day. Now, delays are more aligned to what we see any other year resulting from unexpected traffic conditions, weather, mechanical issues or drivers needing to take time to provide student support.

The Office of Student Transportation continues to review route data and feedback from schools and families to make further adjustments where necessary.

Tier 1 Middle School Timing Adjustments

Adjustments to Tier 1 middle school routes have been finalized and are scheduled to be implemented on Monday, Oct. 2. Adjustments include timing of routes so buses arrive at the school at 7:35 a.m. instead of the current 7:30 a.m. targeted arrival. An arrival of 15 minutes before the start of school is consistent with prior years for middle schools.

Families impacted by this adjustment will be informed by their child’s school. Following these adjustments, staff will review data for buses that continue to arrive too early and make adjustments to address those as well.

Adjustments to Specialized Routes

As more drivers have been hired and trained, HCPSS transportation contractors are beginning to transition midday routes that serve students in half-day pre-kindergarten and RECC programs from vans to buses to create greater efficiencies in the transportation system and better service to students. Families whose children will transition from riding vans to buses will receive information regarding that transition in the coming weeks as these changes are finalized and scheduled for implementation.

Providing Feedback

Please continue to use the Office of Student Transportation Contact Form to provide input. Multiple staff members are reviewing the form every day and responding as quickly as possible. The form is directly supporting staff in the HCPSS Office of Student Transportation as they review and refine bus routes.