Superintendent Presents Capital Budget Proposals
September 3rd, 2021
Howard County Public School System Superintendent Michael J. Martirano presented his Proposed Capital Budget for fiscal year 2023 (FY 2023), FY 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program, and FY 2023–2032 Long-Range Master Plan to the Board of Education on Thursday, September 2, 2021.
The proposed $99.5 million capital budget, $373.4 million capital improvement program and $954.9 million long-range master plan continue the work of the school system’s 2021 Feasibility Study and Comprehensive Maintenance Plan toward fulfilling the school system’s capital and maintenance needs in conjunction with the HCPSS Strategic Call to Action. The capital budget proposal addresses projected student capacity and existing facility needs in order to relieve overcrowded schools and support rapid enrollment growth, which is projected to add approximately 3,100 additional students by 2032.
The proposal adds improvements and capacity where they are most urgently needed to ensure that instructional resources are equitably allocated and allow consistent delivery of high quality instructional programming in every school. The budget reflects the priorities of the school system and community for maintaining excellence in instruction by leading with equity and closing opportunity gaps.
Major items included in the FY 2023 proposed budget include costs for New High School #13, scheduled to open inSeptember 2023; a renovation and addition at Hammond High School, scheduled for completion in September 2023; systemic renovations of boilers and other equipment; and planning and design to address system needs such as special education centers and classrooms.
The proposed capital improvement program includes additional funding for New High School #13 and the Hammond High School project, as well as funding for a renovation and addition at Dunloggin Middle School, construction of New Elementary School #43, renovation and addition projects at Oakland Mills Middle School and Centennial High School, planning for New Elementary School #44, and systemic and ongoing projects.
The proposed long-range master plan includes funding to provide for approximately 4,400 additional seats, modernization and programmatic renovations to existing school facilities, and renovations to address deferred maintenance.
The Board has scheduled a public hearing and work session on the FY 2023 Capital Budget and FY 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program during its September 23, 2021, 7 p.m. meeting, and will take action immediately following the work session.
The Board’s Proposal Capital Budget will then be submitted to the Howard County Planning Board and County Council for consideration. Next, the Priority Listing of FY 2023 State Capital Budget Request is submitted to the Maryland Interagency Commission on School Construction. On February 17, 2022, the Board will adopt its budget request, which will then be submitted to the County Executive. In May 2022, the County Council will adopt the Howard County Capital Budget, and the Board will adopt the final Capital Budget.
The full Superintendent’s Proposed Capital Budget is posted online.