HCPSS Board of Education Honors 2020 Friends of Education Award Recipients
October 13th, 2020
Updated: October 27, 2020
The Howard County Board of Education recognized The Nora Project and Terri Jones with its Friends of Education Awards during the virtual Board meeting October 22, 2020.
The Nora Project, represented by Michelle Greenberg, is the recipient of the award in the non-profit group, organization or association category. The Nora Project offers a curriculum that enhances empathy, normalizes difference, demystifies disability and supports creating an environment where everyone can feel included. First grade students at Fulton Elementary participate in The Nora Project with Cedar Lane School students. Promising outcomes from this partnership have included enhanced understanding among students about disabilities and how to be a good friend, as well as a more positive sense of community in the classroom.
Jones is the recipient of the award in the individual category. An HCPSS parent, she has shown exceptional dedication by supporting Homewood Center’s annual Recycled Treasure Sale. The event enables Homewood students to select donated holiday gifts to give to their loved ones. Jones serves as a true champion for the event, spending countless hours acquiring donations, attracting volunteers, generating interest and more.
The Board also acknowledged nominees in the individual category, Bonnie Bricker and Alan McLaine, for their contributions to the school system.
The Friends of Education Award was established in 2001 to salute exemplary volunteer contributions of time and talent that directly support academic achievement and safe learning environments for HCPSS. More information on the award, including a link to a list of previous award winners, can be found on the HCPSS website.