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HCPSS Earns ASBO Meritorious Budget Award

September 15th, 2020

FY2021 Budget included Equity in Action sections and was accompanied by comprehensive gap analysis

The Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International has awarded the Howard County Public School System with the Meritorious Budget Award in recognition of excellence in the preparation and issuance of the HCPSS operating budget for fiscal year 2020-2021. The FY2021 budget included numerous improvements and enhancements to the budget presentation and the budget’s connection to the HCPSS Strategic Call to Action: Learning and Leading with Equity.

“This award is a reflection of our system’s success in presenting a budget document that is both comprehensive and clear, and that helps the public understand how our school system applies sound fiscal management and best practice budget principles in delivering public education,” said Superintendent Michael J. Martirano. “It is a well-deserved acknowledgement of the expertise and commitment to excellence of our entire budget team.”

“Congratulations to the Superintendent and the Budget Office on this recognition of their work. The Board’s unanimous approval of the budget, for the first time in many years, is a testament to the time and dedication invested by staff to support the budget presentation, process and review,” said Mavis Ellis, Board of Education Chair.

“The FY2021 budget enhanced the connection between the budget and the Strategic Call to Action by offering greater transparency and clarity on how budgeted costs and activities align with goals and strategies. All performance managers articulated the connection of their budget to ‘Equity in Action’,” said Jahantab Siddiqui, Chief Administrative Officer. “HCPSS supplemented this information with a gap analysis highlighting the unmet needs of the system and to clearly communicate the areas we must invest in to fully to achieve our strategic goals.”

The ASBO International Meritorious Budget Award promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and sets a high standard for transparent budget development. After a rigorous review by professional auditors, the award is conferred only on school districts in the United States and Canada that have met or exceeded the program’s stringent criteria, which are built on best practices that set apart an exemplary budget process from a traditional budget process. More information and lists of prior award winners are provided on the ASBO International website.