Elementary Distance Learning to Begin Monday, April 20, 2020
March 30th, 2020
The following update was sent to the HCPSS community by Superintendent Michael Martirano on March 30, 2020:
Today begins the first day for teacher supported distance learning during this unprecedented closure and I know many of you are beginning to hear from teachers regarding this next phase of our continuity of learning plan. As you know, we have been working for several weeks to quickly adapt our instructional program to a virtual learning model. Our goal throughout this preparation period has been to re-engage students in formal, teacher-led instruction as soon as possible, while ensuring that learning is equitable and effective for all students to the greatest possible extent.
As system and school leaders have worked through the many hurdles inherent to a very complex process, we have continued to find ways to refine and streamline our plans. I am happy to announce that we are able to move up by one week the start date for elementary students. Through this revised schedule, both elementary and middle school students will begin engaging in teacher-led distance learning on Monday, April 20, 2020.
A complete, revised Phase 2 and Phase 3 schedule for all levels is provided on our Continuity of Learning website, as well as information on student technology, tips for supporting learning at home, and other resources for families. As a reminder, you should begin hearing from your child’s teacher(s) beginning today, Monday, March 30, 2020.
I am also pleased to share that Bright Minds Foundation, the educational foundation of the Howard County Public School System, and HCPSS have launched an emergency Access to Learning Fund to raise money for critical education access supports for HCPSS students during the extended COVID–19 school closure. More information on this wonderful effort can be found on Bright Minds’ website.
I hope that your family had a restful weekend and that you have continued to keep in contact virtually with friends and family members, while following health experts’ guidelines for social distancing and other precautions.
I wish every member of our HCPSS community patience, persistence and peace as our school system moves forward in a whole new way.