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First Evangelical Lutheran Church Partnership Supports Students and Families

March 11th, 2019

First Evangelical Lutheran Church has partnered with Veterans Elementary and Dunloggin Middle Schools to provide resources to students and foster positive school/community relationships. The partnership was formalized with an official partnership signing on Friday, March 8 at the Sheraton Columbia Waterside Restaurant in Columbia, Maryland.

Partnership signing.

Under the terms of the agreement, First Lutheran will conduct mid-year school supply drives, donate holiday baskets, including meal and gift items, and offer homework support for students in need of additional guidance. First Lutheran representatives will also provide refreshments for field day at VES and donations for families in need of clothing and household items at DMS. DMS staff will invite First Lutheran to participate in school circle activities to support positive relationship building throughout the school and community.

Veterans Elementary School Principal Bob Bruce, Assistant Principal Amy Green and Dunloggin Middle School Assistant Principal Debra O’Byrne joined First Evangelical Lutheran Church Senior Pastor Mike Louia and Members Joanna Casto and George Conklin to sign the formal partnership agreement at the March 8 event.

Located in Ellicott City, First Evangelical Lutheran Church is an intergenerational, multicultural and inclusive congregation that is intentional about reaching out compassionately into the neighborhood and world.

The Howard County Public School System’s Partnerships Office has united schools with more than 1,000 businesses and community organizations to enhance the educational experience of Howard County students. Partnerships benefit schools, businesses and the entire community by leveraging the resources of all participants. Partners may commit human or financial resources or other support.