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New Bryant Woods Elementary School Partnership Promotes a Positive School Culture

February 8th, 2019

HCPSS partners clapping and celebrating BWES students as they enter the school building.

Bryant Woods Elementary School (BWES) has partnered with St. John United Church to promote inclusiveness and build strong relationships among students, staff, families and community members. The partnership was formalized with an official partnership signing on Wednesday, February 6 at the Sheraton Columbia Waterside Restaurant in Columbia, Maryland.

Under the terms of the agreement, St. John United Church representatives will promote a positive school environment by participating in the annual BWES first day of school welcome back procession, and the prevalence of men among the participants reinforces for students their strong support for education. Church members will also provide school supplies, conduct clothing drives and donate gift and food items for BWES families during the holidays.

Howard County Board of Education Member Vicky Cutroneo, HCPSS Area 3 Community Superintendent Pat Saunderson, Bryant Woods Elementary School Principal Kelley Hough and School Counselor Ashley Armstead joined St. John United Church Pastor Mary Ka Kanahan, Chair of Council Debbie Parker and Clerk of Council Eric Schoch to sign the formal partnership agreement at the February 6 event.

St. John United Church is strengthened by the diversity of its members and faith traditions. SJU welcomes all to participate in the life of the church regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, economic status or theological differences.

The Howard County Public School System’s Partnerships Office has united schools with more than 1,000 businesses and community organizations to enhance the educational experience of Howard County students. Partnerships benefit schools, businesses and the entire community by leveraging the resources of all participants. Partners may commit human or financial resources or other support.