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WE STEP Program Helps Homewood Center Students Transition to Adult Life

April 19th, 2018

The Howard County Public School System’s Homewood Center has partnered with Y in Central Maryland, Dancel Family Center to provide work training programs that help students transition from high school to adult life. The partnership agreement was formalized with an official partnership signing on Wednesday, April 18, at the Y in Central Maryland, Dancel Family Center.

Under the terms of the agreement, the Y in Central Maryland will serve as a worksite for the Work Experience Students to Employment Program (WE STEP). The program, a collaboration between Humanim and the Homewood Center, assists students in developing appropriate and positive work behaviors, and provides opportunities for students to receive on-the-job training. The Y in Central Maryland will also serve as a job shadowing site during the HCPSS Career Exploration Day and will share information with students and families about the Y in Central Maryland’s Expanded Bridges Summer Employment Program, which offers paid work experience and job support.

HCPSS Homewood Center Principal Christina Krabitz, Special Education Instructional Facilitator Janice Yetter and Transition Specialist Stephanie Wallace joined Y in Central Maryland Howard County Community Leadership Board Chair Sonny Tannan, Vice President of Operations and Property Management Rob Gray, Senior Director of Community Engagement Jessica Monaghan and Humanim STEP Coordinator Howard County Doris Jacobs to sign the formal partnership agreement at the April 18 event.

The Y in Central Maryland is a charitable organization dedicated to developing the full potential of every individual through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body. The Dancel Family Center Y is a place where the entire family can come together in the spirit of health.

The Howard County Public School System’s Partnerships Office has united schools with more than 1,000 businesses and community organizations to enhance the educational experience of Howard County students. Partnerships benefit schools, businesses and the entire community by leveraging the resources of all participants. Partners may commit human or financial resources or other support.

For more information, contact Partnerships Office Manager Mary Schiller at 410-313-6655 or