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HCPSS Celebrates 2018 Choose Civility Poster and Video Contest Winners

April 25th, 2018

Each year, Choose Civility honors original art created by students that represents a specific civility theme. This year, Howard County students were invited to design a poster or short video illustrating the theme, “choose2Bkind,” about how kindness creates community. This is the 12th annual Choose Civility poster and video contest.

The contest was presented in partnership with the Howard County Library System and the Columbia Association Art Center.

The winner in the kindergarten through second grade category is Worthington Elementary School kindergartener Navindu Nehan Talagala.

In the Grades 3–5 category, the winner is Centennial Lane Elementary School third-grader Sabrina Wang.

Mount View Middle School seventh-grader Adrianna Hwang won the Grades 6–8 category.

In the Grades 9–12 category, the winner is Mt. Hebron High School junior Irina Ivanova.

The winner of the poster grand prize is sixth-grader Hannah Seok from Patapsco Middle School.

The video grand prizewinner is Dunloggin Middle School seventh-grader Amrutha Alibilli.

The winning students were formally recognized at the Howard County Board of Education meeting on April 24. The entries are on exhibit at the Columbia Art Center through April 25.