Intergenerational Partnership Benefits Students and Senior Volunteers
December 5th, 2017
Harper’s Choice Middle School (HCMS) is partnering with Winter Growth to provide students and senior volunteers with opportunities to learn from one another through intergenerational strategies and programs. The partnership agreement will be formalized with an official partnership signing on Wednesday, December 6, at Winter Growth in Columbia, Maryland.
Under the terms of the agreement, Winter Growth will collaborate with HCMS staff to help students improve reading skills and provide support for subject-specific coursework. Winter Growth volunteers will assist students with conducting historical research and provide guidance for students working on Lego Robotics projects by assisting them with presentations. Winter Growth staff and participants will also support HCMS school supply initiatives by collecting backpack supplies, and will assist HCMS staff and students with sustaining the school garden by working alongside classrooms during the school day.
HCMS will provide Winter Growth volunteers with appropriate reading materials and coursework for reading skills sessions, provide student artwork to be displayed in hallways at Winter Growth and will conduct musical performances at Winter Growth.
HCPSS Coordinator of School Counseling Kelly Ruby and HCMS Principal Adam Eldridge will join Winter Growth Executive Director Cyndi Rogers, Activity Coordinator Pat Wilkerson and Marketing Coordinator Colleen Konstanzer to sign the formal partnership agreement at the December 6 event.
Winter Growth provides community-based services including adult medical daycare and assisted living for senior and disabled adults that support them in achieving their highest potential for independence, dignity, and life satisfaction. Winter Growth strives to enhance the lives of seniors by offering programs that are stimulating and engaging while also providing outstanding care.
The Howard County Public School System’s Partnerships Office has united schools with more than 1,000 businesses and community organizations to enhance the educational experience of Howard County students. Partnerships benefit schools, businesses and the entire community by leveraging the resources of all participants. Partners may commit human or financial resources or other support.
For more information, contact Partnerships Office Manager Mary Schiller at 410-313-6655 or