Board of Education Approves 2017-2018 Calendar Change
September 25th, 2017
The Howard County Board of Education has approved a change to the 2017–2018 school calendar, making the last three days of school for students—June 12–14, 2018—three-hour early dismissal days for all levels, including elementary, middle and high schools. The updated calendar provides additional time for teachers and administrators to fulfill their fourth quarter grading and reporting responsibilities.
Prior to this change, high schools only had early dismissal days, June 12–14; middle and elementary schools had one only one June 14.
The proposed 2018–2019 school calendar to be presented to the Board in October will include a three-hour early dismissal on the last three student days for all three levels.
The updated 2017–18 calendar is available for viewing or for download on the HCPSS Calendar page.