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Winter Weather Preparation & Reminders

January 20th, 2025

HCPSS leadership closely monitors forecasted and actual weather temperatures, and are in regular contact with Howard County and State officials on the status of road conditions and more. Any change in operating status (delays, closures or early dismissals) will be communicated via our emergency closing procedures.

When schools are open, generally, students will participate in outdoor activities (recess, outdoor eating, physical education, or any other outdoor activity) when the temperature combined with the wind chill is not less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit. In the case of extreme weather, outdoor activities will be brought inside. On these days, schools and staff incorporate physical activity, whenever possible, into the classroom and throughout the day.

Families are encouraged to ensure students are appropriately dressed for the cold weather, including wearing multiple layers of loose-fitted clothing, and covering heads, hands, and faces to minimize skin exposure.

Please also pay close attention to your school’s doors-opening time so that children can enter the school right away and avoid prolonged exposure to the cold. Drivers of buses that arrive early are instructed to keep students on the bus until doors open.

Additional information on keeping children safe in cold weather can be found online, including: