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Abrakadoodle Engages Homewood Center Students Through Creative Art Classes

April 3rd, 2018

The Howard County Public School System’s Homewood Center has partnered with Abrakadoodle-Howard County to engage students in developing problem solving and communication skills through the creative process. The partnership agreement was formalized with an official partnership signing on Thursday, March 29, during a student Art Gallery Event at the Homewood Center.

Under the terms of the agreement, Abrakadoodle will collaborate with Homewood staff to implement an arts education program for middle school students that promotes critical thinking, creativity and discovery. Abrakadoodle will share resources with teachers including instructions, lessons and materials, and provide opportunities for high school students to serve as classroom assistants. Students and their creations will be featured at an annual Student Art Gallery Exhibit at Homewood.

HCPSS Chief Academic Officer Bill Barnes; Chief Communication, Community and Workforce Engagement Officer Jahantab Siddiqui; Chief School Management and Instructional Leadership Officer Frank Eastham; Area 1 Community Superintendent Marcy Leonard; Area 1 Performance, Equity and Community Response Officer Jason McCoy and Homewood Center Principal Christina Krabitz joined Abrakadoodle-Central Maryland Program Director Marianne Daley and Teacher Victor Obasogie to sign the formal partnership agreement at the March 29 event.

Abrakadoodle enhances the lives of children by creating an educationally rich learning environment that ignites their imaginations and leads them to discover their own unique creativities, talents and abilities.

The Howard County Public School System’s Partnerships Office has united schools with more than 1,000 businesses and community organizations to enhance the educational experience of Howard County students. Partnerships benefit schools, businesses and the entire community by leveraging the resources of all participants. Partners may commit human or financial resources or other support.

For more information, contact Partnerships Office Manager Mary Schiller at 410-313-6655 or