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HCPSS, Parent & Community Groups Discuss Equitable and Effective Discipline Practices, April 11, 2018

March 1st, 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 6:45-8:45 p.m. — Hammond High School, 8800 Guilford Rd, Columbia

HCPSS parents, students, staff and community members are invited to participate in this third forum on effective discipline. Anyone planning to attend is asked to register online.

In an effort to continue community involvement and conversations around students and system policies, the Howard County Public School System, in partnership with the Community Advisory Council, PTA Council of Howard County, Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee, the Council of Elders and the NAACP of Howard County, will host several community dialogues on Student Behavior and Effective Discipline. HCPSS parents, students, staff and members of the community are invited to attend as active participants.

This is a collaborative effort to review suspensions, disciplinary actions, and expulsions from the lens of equity, inclusion and diversity. Stakeholders will review racial, socioeconomic, and other demographic data to understand disproportionality and discuss solutions in a facilitated discussion with school system leaders.

Participants will review feedback from previous forums (held March 14 and 17), and select from four sessions that will be conducted by community and HCPSS leaders. Those sessions will include an opportunity for developing specific strategies on moving toward more effective and equitable discipline practices in HCPSS.

Session choices include:

Documents from forums held on March 14 and March 17 include: